One thing I know for sure is that a community of inquirers is a reading one, so I'll keep updating the reading list as I go along . Before I go on, I have to confess that I read a whole lot of non-fiction; probably way too much for my good.
I can always take a good fiction recommendation to break the chain, and it must be so good that I cannot put it down as happened once on an overnight plane event that I paid for in a currency called #jet lag.
On my bookshelf/reading list this season:

The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis ~ Karen Swallow Prior
After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters ~ N.T. Wright
From Isolation to Community: A Renewed Vision for Christian Life Together ~ Myles Werntz
Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place
~ Jack R. Baker and Jeffrey Bilbro -
On Second Thought: How Ambivalence Shapes Your Life ~ William R. Miller
So, what are you reading? Do share and let's enrich one another.